14 January 2009

Just (finally) fulfilling that old New Year's Resolution...

Well I guess I haven't fulfilled that one New Year's Resolution about figuring out how to upload photos to my blog, but at least I figured out how to change the font of my entries.

Oh darn, that was supposed to appear in Webdings. Ya, hah! Thanks, I know I'm clever. Almost. Just gotta work on delivery next time.

It's 11:50pm and I'm trying various tactics to "wind down" for bedtime. So far, I've tried watching a random video on youtube about Hugo Chavez and democracy in Venezuela, but that didn't seem to do the trick.

Then I tried to really take things into hand by kindly asking the 5 girls in the hallways talking loud and giggling to maybe find a commons room to continue their conversation. They were nice enough and eventually wandered their way down the hall to some other place for chatting. (I could tell, because the shrieking and giggling had that fading-volume effect you see at the end of movies, right before the credits).

Well, since none of the above, entirely illogical anyway, tactics have seemed to work, I decided to try breaking one of my New Year's Resolutions by writing a really long and boring blog entry! Which will probably have the same reverse effect as my dad's strategy to get us to fall asleep when we were babies--holding us while yawning continuously. He says he always ended up falling asleep first. Is that snoring I hear from the other side of my screen???

In any case, I'm still awake and kickin' it. I'm really pumped actually, because I met with Martina Simeti at UNESCO today about doing an internship in the Education Sector. It looks like everything will work out, she just has to organize the work she wants me to do enough to be well prepared for my either mid- or late-February arrival. I'll be doing really cool stuff like researching, writing and editing articles about Literacy and Citizenship. It's the perfect fit with my thesis topic, which is.......what is it again? Oh yeah, I'm not entirely sure yet but it's got a similar ring to it. Heh just kidding, I don't feel like going into it quite yet, especially since that would really screw up that one New Year's Resolution.

Maybe I could just write a lot of short paragraphs instead?

So finals are next week and I'm almost done with the papers that will be due Monday and Wednesday. I have all day tomorrow (Thurs) and every day til Sunday to whip up the rest. Class was sufficiently packed with stressed classmates today~we all strangely lacked in our usual witty response mechanism during class discussion and instead threw frequent glances to our watches for when the time would finally come to jet...

Alright alright that's too long already, I'm off now to attempt other sleep-inducing tactics. Any suggestions??

05 January 2009

Back in Paris

Happy New Year! Or as the direct French translation puts it, Good Year!

My New Year's Resolution is not only to write in my blog more frequently, but to also make them short and sweet. This one will probably not be short and sweet, so I've already kind of broken that resolution. But I have a lot to say, ok???

I resolve to put pictures in my entries too--I just gotta figure out how to do that. I also resolve not to ask my brother how to do everything technical because I could probably figure stuff out if I just tried :o)

I had a wonnnnddderful trip back to Magnolia and Mandeville/NO. I saw tons of people, some more expected than others, ie Robert Wheeler randomly crossing my path on New Year's. I had just said "Goodbye Callie!" when he walked in between us, so I continued without missing a beat "...and hello Robert Wheeler???"

So, I slept from 6pm to 11pm yesterday (the day I got back) then again from midnight to 9am. It is really disorienting to go to sleep at 6pm, it being dark, then waking up entirely refreshed as if I had slept a whole 8 hours but it was actually just 7pm. That sensation repeated itself but kind of inversely this morning when I woke up in disbelief that my phone said 9am and not 5am, like I was expecting....

And not to mention that when I opened my curtains, BAM! A whole white-covered outdoors slapped me in the face with snow everywhere, and tons of it. It's the first time I've really seen a good snow in Paris!

So now all of you, your New Year's resolution should be to read my blog more often! It's a deal.