26 September 2008

Bin Laden finally satisfies peanut butter craving; gives up terrorism

I was just doing some reading on liberalism for my Int'l Relations Theories class. Among many aspects, the chapter discusses free trade (unregulated exchange of goods and services between nations) and the spread of Western, liberal ideals such as democracy and human rights. So for example, liberalists in international relations may consider one or both of these as ways to pacify relations amongs states and other actors.

It's perhaps a little sarcastic, but the political cartoonist in me couldn't help imagining Condolleezza Rice walking into Osama Bin Laden's cave to strike a deal.

"Listen, Osam', we'll let y'all engage in free trade with the big boys if y'all stop terrorizing us Westerners," Condie would say.

"Finally!" Bin Laden would think, remaining silent with a stern look on his face. "I could satisfy my decades-long craving for peanut butter!"

Et voila! Problem solved. Who would have thought??

Speaking of peanut butter, I witnessed a great injustice to American culture and cuisine yesterday. I was reading the label on a jar of a French version of the stuff I bought a while back. In translation it states: "Le Peanut Butter is a spread that you may enjoy on any type of bread: toast, sandwiches...for a treat "à l'américaine", use le Peanut Butter on our brand's delicious pancakes!"

Has anyone ever heard of people eating peanut butter on pancakes? I'm sorry, but the French are often just as guilty of commiting cultural blunders as we Americans are...

1 comment:

teachagiftedkid said...

Just wanted to let you know that my French instructor read your entry and thought your idea was pretty clever!